The Werff Report
The Werff Report 14 Aug 2023

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report

Ron Johnson Confirms COVID-19 Was "Pre-Planned" By Powerful Elites, FDA Caves On Ivermectin

The Werff Report was, to our knowledge, the first to report that COVID-19 was a planned emergency…and now Ron Johnson is confirming it, Merrick Garland plays chess in appointing a Special Counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation which effectively stonewalls House Oversight’s investigation into the matter…can you say OBSTRUCTION? The FDA admits that doctors have the authority to prescribe Ivermectin to treat COVID-19, a 1982 letter written by Barack Obama states that he makes love to men “daily” in his imagination, and a Catholic Church is miraculously untouched in the Maui fires.

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Melissa24 12 months ago

Just think if covid never came. Pres Trump would of had are economy so great that even every brainwashed DEMONcrat would of voted for Pres Trump. They couldn't risk it so killed are loved ones with covid while having medicine that would of cured them. They are evil and we should fight back for everyone who died.

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Melissa24 12 months ago

This is why they stopped the investigation into covid as soon as biden was placed into power.

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Melissa24 12 months ago

They killed millions forcing Dr to not use ivromicine. They are completely evil.

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report