The Werff Report
The Werff Report 13 Jul 2023

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LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
03 Jun 2024
LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
The Werff Report

Congressional COVID Report Exposes Concerted Plot To Disprove Lab Leak Theory To Cover For China

The Subcommittee investigating the COVID-19 pandemic released its report on Tuesday exposing fake doctor Anthony Fauci and his cohorts deliberately working as early as February of 2020 to disprove the theory that COVID came from the Wuhan lab…even though in their emails to each other they ADMIT that the data supports it! Russia says Ukraine has lost over 26,000 men and 1200 tanks since June 4th, Fox News Stock is downgraded since the absence of Tucker Carlson, the California Assembly blocks legislation punishing child sex trafficking….wonder why…a Georgia Democrat switches parties to join the GOP, and Iowa passes the heartbeat bill.

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richcam1 1 year ago

The intentional covid release is only one reason I despise the CCP (Cargo Cult Party). This is what happens when virtual cave men steal advanced technology. It is my theory and strong belief that closed totalitarian societies are devoid of true creative thinkers. In China, being an innovative thinker can get you executed and your organs harvested. A pretty damned good incentive keep one's gob tightly sealed. Then there's the slavery and other forms of forced labor. The CCP must be taken down with extreme prejudice. I just don't see our domestic enemies... I mean the uni-party biting their masters' hand very soon at all.

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 1 year ago

Full Report On COVID Origins Cover-Up:

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LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
03 Jun 2024
LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
The Werff Report