The Werff Report
The Werff Report 15 Aug 2022

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report

CDC Finally Updates COVID Guidance, Removes Quarantine Requirements, Drops Unvaxxed Discrimination

The corrupt and political CDC has finally updated its guidelines on COVID-19 to treat it more like the cold or flu virus that it is, removing quarantine requirements for people exposed to the virus and even going as far as to recognize a level of protection in the unvaccinated who previously contracted COVID.

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3 Comments sort Sort By

ahoenig 2 years ago

Can you provide a link to the page of the CDC guidelines

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2 years ago

Why are we still getting vaccines only made available under EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION (EUA). If the emergency is over, then so should end the EUA. Cominarty (only authorized vaccine) not available in US.

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2 years ago

2 weeks to flatten the curve! Turned into 2.5 years to flatten the children. They've severely hindered this generation of youth. EVIL!!!

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report