The Werff Report
The Werff Report 03 Nov 2022

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Trump To Assemble Teams To Investigate 2020 Election, Pelosi's Daughter
25 Nov 2024
Trump To Assemble Teams To Investigate 2020 Election, Pelosi's Daughter "Curing" Ballots In CA Races
The Werff Report

AZ Audit Update: New Minimal 5% Analysis Finds Double Illegal Ballots Than Margin Of Victory

A new briefing yesterday by Arizona legislators in the continued investigation of the Arizona Senate full forensic audit exposed nearly double the amount of illegal votes cast in the 2020 Election than the margin of victory…on a minimal five percent analysis of the votes, as Joe Biden warns Americans that it might take a few days in some places to get election results.

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ahoenig 2 años hace

Nothing will happen they will continue to do what they've been doing and they'll get away with it

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Laurence Crossen
Laurence Crossen 2 años hace

Any comment on what Liz Wheeler calls the fishy Pelosi event? The hole in the window was not wide enough to walk in, and no one could reach the door lock through the window: so much flack and smoke screen and mud-flinging from the Demonrats over Paul Pelosi's gigolo.

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 2 años hace

The circumstances are certainly suspicious. The underwear...Paul handing him the cameras that nobody was watching. Either a gay romper gone bad or political stunt to blame MAGA before midterms.

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 2 años hace

Also he's apparently been released after allegedly just having surgery on his skull and been in chance. He would have been in longer than just a couple of days if that were the case.

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Angie Close
Angie Close 2 años hace

@The Werff Report : I can see it being both a bad romper gone bad and a stunt to blame MAGA. Did you hear that the guy that showed up there is an illegal from Canada? He's been living in the US for 20 years undocumented! It's insane how he got away with it for 20 years. I agree that Paul being released from the hospital is way too soon. All of this stuff going on with him is fishy. Of course the left are blaming the right. I'm so sick of that crap.

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Melissa24 2 años hace

I can't believe they have waited this dang long. It all makes me sick. People go to watch drop boxes on their own because no one will help stop fraud. Of course the courts get involved and put a stop to it. We The People will watch them.

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 2 años hace

Link To Restraining Order:

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Trump To Assemble Teams To Investigate 2020 Election, Pelosi's Daughter
25 Nov 2024
Trump To Assemble Teams To Investigate 2020 Election, Pelosi's Daughter "Curing" Ballots In CA Races
The Werff Report