The Werff Report
The Werff Report 29 Mar 2024

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Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
09 Jul 2024
Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
The Werff Report

Obama Movie Contained Symbolism Foreshadowing Bridge Attack, PA Can't Count Undated Ballots

The controversial Obama Netflix movie has a scene showing a cargo ship crashing due to a cyber attack and it just so happens to contain symbolism linking it to the Baltimore bridge attack…and CISA confirmed just one month ago that China had compromised US transportation infrastructure via Cyber Attacks. An appeals Court rules PA can’t count undated ballots, the fifth circuit re-blocks a Texas immigration law, a whistleblower reveals that Michael Avenatti had an affair with Stormy Daniels and cooked up the hush money hoax to extort the Trump Organization ahead of the 2016 election, Disney drops its fight in Florida, and Speaker Johnson will deliver Mayorkas impeachment articles to the Senate.

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Laurence Crossen
Laurence Crossen 4 months ago

Dominion Voting Machine Fraud?

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charlesmccormick 4 months ago

No Justice for honorable, taxpaying citizens; only conspiracy revolution, dark shadows,

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ahoenig 4 months ago

More bullshit!

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Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
09 Jul 2024
Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
The Werff Report