The Werff Report
15 Sep 2021
NY Judge Halts Vaccine Mandate For Health Care Workers, WXYZ Story On Unvaccinated Citizens Backfires
Multiple stories to report today in the battle against the American Marxist’s utilization of COVID-19 as a political tool to destroy our country and our freedoms.
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Great stuff, Werff!
Thank you for this report. God Bless you and your family Werff!
Can we get an affiliate link system? I'd like to help grow the platform.
Just got out of hospital, was in ICU for 2 weeks with Covid. It was rough but I made it through. Unfortunately my father didn't make it. He passed away while I was in the hospital. I wasn't allowed to go to his funeral. Thanks for killing my father Dr. Fauci, you lying piece of SHIT!
Not only am i against the vaccine for reilgous reasons (aborted human tissue) I'm against the idea that they can force me to do something that is potentially harmful/fatal to stop something with a % 99.9 recovery rate.