The Werff Report
The Werff Report 25 Oct 2022

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report

All Dominion Tabulator SD Cards Entered Into Evidence After 2022 Primary Audit In Torrance County NM

The results of an audit of the Torrance County New Mexico Primary shows a 25 percent difference between the hand count and records of the Secretary of State, as Project Veritas stings Arizona candidate for governor and corrupt Secretary of State Katie Hobb’s twin sister, revealing startling information that Democrats actually funded Trump-endorsed candidates in primaries across the country.

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2 years ago

Nice work Werff

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report