The Werff Report
The Werff Report 17 May 2023

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report

Biden Official Opened PR Firm Whose Sole Client Was Dominion To Take Down Fox, Opposing News Outlets

It’s being reported that a Biden administration official left his position to start a PR Company whose sole client was Dominion Voting…in order to take down Fox News and other opposing news outlets, as the new expose’ by James O’Keefe’s new media group also reveals a Fox producer admitting that Tucker Carlson was ousted as part of the Dominion settlement, another new video shows a signature verification worker in Maricopa County accepting signatures as fast as they could load, the Durham report reveals a foreign intelligence insider worked to setup a meeting with Hillary Clinton to discuss a campaign donation from a foreign government in exchange for favors if she was elected President in 2016, Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces articles of impeachment against Christopher Wray and others, and the federal government retaliates against a whistleblower and their team regarding the Hunter Biden investigation.

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Angie Close
Angie Close 1 year ago

Thanks Weff!

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MJ 1 year ago

Lies, lies, lies. The extent and breadth of the corruption is disgusting. The fact that THEY were the one’s doing EVERYTHING they accused Trump of, warrants tribunals for treason, imho. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Werff.

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 1 year ago

Link To Full Durham Report:

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report