The Werff Report
30 Sep 2022
Lou Dobbs Speaks Truth Firebombs On Current Affairs, Lawsuit Against Dominion, FB Reaches SCOTUS
Lou Dobbs, who was forced out of Fox for speaking the Truth to his viewers, appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room this week and weighed in on the country’s current state…and explains what Republicans should do next, as Clarence Thomas’ wife testifies before the sham January 6th committee and sticks to her guns on the 2020 election steal, and a Petition is filed before the United States Supreme Court against Dominion and Zuckerberg over the stolen election, in a case of “great national importance”.
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Go get ‘em Lou! Werf, you may want to consider using your YT channel for 10-20 minute interviews with only the most credible guests. Even if it’s just audio, I think you’d be great at it and would ask relevant, well thought out questions.
God bless you Werf , I was in DC on the 6th and haven’t stopped yet in fact I have just begun to fight. I have been going to our local township meetings and hope God will grant me the wisdom to what direction and where to go next. I just can’t believe how so many people think it’s all just hype and will pass. No I for one am a pillar in this fight. Warning I’m stubborn and don’t quit
Lou Dobbs is truth
Miss Lou Dobbs so much! I watched his show faithfully. Hope he comes back.
Link To SCOTUS Dominion Lawsuit: