The Werff Report
The Werff Report 10 Jun 2022

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report

Publicly Available Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Never Fully Approved, And The One That Was Won't Be Manufactured

It seems Pfizer, the money hungry greed-consumed company with a so-called COVID-19 vaccine, has pulled the old switch a roo on consumers…quietly announcing that they will NOT be manufacturing the COVID vaccine that was quote “fully approved” after all, in fact, it was never even manufactured in the first place.

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3 Comments sort Sort By

2 years ago

Pfizer would never lie. Right

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2 years ago

So they shouldn't have liability shield since it was never approved. Pure Evil

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Lisa 2 years ago

Thank you for the update and clarification!!

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Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID
20 May 2024
Former NIH Director Admits No Evidence For Six Feet Apart COVID "Guidance"
The Werff Report