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Organization Printed Plan In August 2020 Against Trump To Force Biden Transition Amid Fraud Claims
An organization called the Transition Integrity Project published a document in August of 2020 warning that President Trump would quote “likely contest the result” of the 2020 election and that Trump might be willing to go to quote “extreme lengths” to stay in power, outlining an entire plan on how to ensure Biden took over…well before any American casted a vote! Several more objects were shot down over the United States this weekend in a bizarre string of events, donors come to the rescue of James O’Keefe at Project Veritas, teachers who refused the COVID jab in New York City had their fingerprints sent to the FBI, and green lasers from Chinese satellites over Hawaii. You do NOT want to miss this segment folks!
Nothing will happen, wait and see what happens in 2024 same shit you will see!
I believe this is your best report yet. Thank you. (Always a great job.)
That "Transition Integrity Project" report clearly reveals what motivates its authors as they project their own motivation onto Donald Trump: "in an attempt to stay in power." If it weren't so maddening, it would be laughable. How about "revealing a great wrong"?
As for James O'Keefe's situation,, we all know he's the soul of Project Veritas, and should be at the helm. Those squeamish board members have to go away. All honor belongs to Mr. O'Keefe.
We all need to call the project veritas board. The FBI raided James and took all his business secrets. Then they found out how to infiltrate them. Of course the Fed Gov and FBI is behind this. The stupid reasons the board gave in the letter proved it. James needs to clean house and switch tactics so the FBI is not able to spy as easy. I stand with James always.
Of course they had a plan. Jan 6th people were lured into the capital so they had a reason to go after us to shut us up. The FBI is the one with all connections. The FBI lied and did all they could to get joe in. Wouldn't they also say there was no fraud when there clearly was? The FBI went after Arizona's legislator to stop the canvas. That would of 100% proved how they cheated.
Link To Transition Integrity Project Document: https://s3.documentcloud.org/d....ocuments/7013152/Pre