The Werff Report
The Werff Report 15 May 2023

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Election Fraud Evidence - Melissa24

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Democrats and ActBlue Appear To Be Laundering Money In Massive Political Scheme To Fund The Agenda


A new report confirms a story we brought to you several weeks ago which appears to demonstrate that ActBlue and Democrats are using retired and unemployed people over the age of 70 as COVERS for a massive money laundering scheme to fund the left and their agenda, as President Trump says he’ll be bringing back General Michael Flynn, Elon Musk appoints a World Economic Forum-aligned censorship queen as CEO of Twitter, Virginia becomes the 8th state in 6 months to pull out of the corrupt ERIC system, and a federal judge overturns a 1968 law banning anyone under 21 from buying a handgun….saying the law is not consistent with our nation’s history.

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ahoenig 2 years ago

That is how a o c got elected

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