The Werff Report
The Werff Report 02 Jun 2021

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Secret Service Has Met With New York Jail Officials To Make Preparations For Trump
29 May 2024
Secret Service Has Met With New York Jail Officials To Make Preparations For Trump
The Werff Report

Researchers Say They Have Evidence China Reverse-Engineered COVID To Make It Appear As If It Evolved

A new study claims that China not only manufactured COVID-19, but then reverse- engineered it many times over to make it APPEAR as though it had evolved from the wild, particularly from bats.


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4 years ago

DJT is right, every nation in the world who owes China money should have this debt cancelled.

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4 years ago

this so called pandemic was how to get rid of the only person who loved the usa DJT thats how they stole the election and it started in 2019 october follow the money

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4 years ago

I notice this video asserts that the release was deliberate, yet that appears to be a premature announcement. The virus does seem likely to have been genetically engineered.

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4 years ago

Don't worry fauci will cover it up.

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4 years ago

I believe many Americans, especially Christians do not see the war currently be waged on the U.S. and around the world. With the growth of so many technologies over the past 100 years, Americans need to understand that the new battlefield is virtually invisible. COVID-19 was most likely a bio-weapon under development that got out of hand. Additionally, propaganda has been exploited by media outlets as a means of creating confusion and chaos, weakening the American resolve. And let's not worry about the mark of the beast being a insignia on the forehead or a nano-sized microchip inserted under the skin. Alongside the advent of artificial intelligence, facial, voice and other bio-technical recognition tools can be considered the mark of the beast in my opinion. Our enemies only need is to see our face or hear our voice to determine us as friend or foe. Don't think so? China is already using facial recognition as a form of payment at the market. All this makes me grateful that God knows my name. Does He know yours?

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Secret Service Has Met With New York Jail Officials To Make Preparations For Trump
29 May 2024
Secret Service Has Met With New York Jail Officials To Make Preparations For Trump
The Werff Report