The Werff Report
The Werff Report 02 Sep 2022

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Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
09 Jul 2024
Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
The Werff Report

Trinity School Official Reference Serial Killer To Go After White Republicans And "Take Them Out"

Project Veritas released Part 2 of its bombshell Secret Curriculum series last night, this time exposing staff inside the private Trinity School in New York City, as the Assistant Principal in Part 1 of the series is placed on leave, and NYC police assume anyone carrying a gun is doing so illegally, until proven otherwise.

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Laurence Crossen
Laurence Crossen 2 years ago

Isn't Norris a typical product of our public school system now in that it teaches activism, disregarding American principles?

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Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
09 Jul 2024
Former White House Stenographer: Biden Blackmailed Obama Regarding Homosexual Affairs For Leverage
The Werff Report