The Werff Report
The Werff Report 24 Apr 2023

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report

Susan Rice To Step Down As Another Biden Official Has Office Raided And Placed On Leave

Suspected Shadow Leader of Barack Obama’s third term is stepping down, as another Biden official is placed on leave and has his office raided, a NYC Judge is removed from criminal cases after allowing a child killer to walk free, Democrats decide not to hold Presidential Debates for 2024, Konnech drops their lawsuit against True The Vote which landed Catherine Engelbrect and Gregg Phillips in federal prison, Anheuser-Busch places two marketing executives on leave, an LGBTQ organization cancels a pride event in Florida over not being able to allow children to view lewd adult performances, Alvin Bragg caves to Jim Jordan and drops his appeal, video proves people were undercover posing as ANTIFA on January 6th, former senior advisor to the Biden campaign and now Secretary of State Antony Blinken was behind the Hunter Biden laptop “Russian Disinformation” letter, and a new COVID-19 variant claims its first victim.

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Melissa24 1 year ago

Red and itchy eyes is a vivid sign? Lmao. Right when allergy season starts.

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Melissa24 1 year ago

I can't believe them evil people would drop charges on true the vote. I hope True The Vote sues them. They only did that to put a damper on all the evidence The American Hero's (True The Vote) had.

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report