The Werff Report
The Werff Report 02 Feb 2024

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report

Oregon Supreme Court Controlled By Democrats Bars Ten Republicans From Seeking Re-Election

The Oregon Supreme Court has barred ten Republican lawmakers from seeking re-election, in a continuation of Democrat’s efforts to utilize the tactics of communist countries to remove political opponents before the people can vote for them, a journalist begins releasing “Michigan Files” showing the DOJ and Michigan Attorney General received credible complaints one day after the 2020 election of quote “alarming” election fraud, and the Trump election interference case is removed from the Court’s calendar indefinitely.

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ahoenig 6 months ago

Werff I hope you're making a good salary given us this news. I'm glad you're doing this, but the writing is on the wall. It's over we the people lost to the communist traitors Jesus is returning soon,we are end the end!

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 6 months ago

Michigan Files Part 2:

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 6 months ago

Michigan Files Part 1:

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report