The Werff Report
07 Mar 2022
Federal Government Paid Fox News, Others To Promote COVID Vaccine Narrative Across The Country
Blaze Media, through a FOIA request, has exposed how the federal government, particularly the HHS, paid media outlets to market and promote their positive narrative on the COVID-19 vaccines.
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The NSA has been buying news media for many years, big bucks.
There are paid moles in all media across the nation, they are paid big , much like our politician are paid by corporate to by laws to support it's agenda. Our nation has gone money mad. The money is not new, it's the AMOUNT of money that has changed. The amounts are mega huge.
Honesty is dead. Good thing we have werff,x22,blaze,and others that tell the truth. Thank you.
What do you think about Tucker Carlson he had an alarming news on Monday.
Politicians pay networks million of dollar’s. And the network are happy to promote them. That’s why the news turned against President Donald Trump. Donald didn’t pay the network