The Werff Report
The Werff Report 28 Mar 2023

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report

AZ Judge Rescinds Order In Lake Election Suit, Software Used By States Can Backdate Election Records

The Deep State goons over at the IRS are apparently now targeting Matt Taibbi...the journalist involved in exposing the Twitter an IRS agent shows up at his home on the DAY he testified at Jim Jordan’s hearing on the weaponization of government. Newly discovered election software that serves as a go-between for Dominion and the Secretary of State in several states apparently uses plugins and can back-date election records, the judge in Kari Lake’s election lawsuit revises his order that scheduled key dates after Lake’s State Supreme Court win, Jim Jordan responds to Alvin Bragg’s nasty letter, and Mitch McConnell issues an update.

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 1 year ago

Jim Jordan Letter In Response To Alvin Bragg's Letter:

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report