The Werff Report
The Werff Report 14 Dec 2022

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report

SCOTUS Lawsuit Could Upend 2020 Election, Ballot Printing Companies Run By Democratic Donors

An expert who worked 9 years in the lab that certifies machines for Maricopa County Arizona is saying that the election problems during midterms could not have arisen absent intentional misconduct, as a little known lawsuit is making its way through the US Supreme Court that could overturn the 2020 election, an emergency hearing in Kari Lakes election contest provides a tentative trial date, one never-trumper sees the light and donates to MAGA, Raffensperger to push ranked choice voting in Georgia, and the owners of Runbeck and Cathedral, election printing companies, are exposed as frequently donating to Democrats, AND a former spy says Joe Biden is a controlled asset of the CCP. All coming up in this segment of The Werff Report!

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nsinger998 2 years ago

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report