The Werff Report
The Werff Report 15 Aug 2022

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New Code Added To Voter Rolls In New York, Appears To Explain Why Counting Stops On Election Night
28 Jun 2024
New Code Added To Voter Rolls In New York, Appears To Explain Why Counting Stops On Election Night
The Werff Report

Students Created Code To Switch Vote Bubbles On Ballots, DHS Partnered With Tied Group Ahead Of 2020

A pair of students at the University of Michigan, in coordination with a man connected to a Soros-backed Risk Limiting Audit pusher, Voting Works (which partnered with the Department of Homeland Security and the CISA before the 2020 election, created a malicious code specifically designed to isolate a person’s hand-written selection on a ballot, copy it, and switch it with an empty selection…all before the ballot is even scanned into the system, making it impossible to detect without seeing the paper ballot.

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5 Comments sort Sort By

Melissa24 2 years ago

This is why they would not allow us to audit the ballots. How evil.

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Laurence Crossen
Laurence Crossen 2 years ago

Dominion caters to the crooked.

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ahoenig 2 years ago

So this will be happening in 2024

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 2 years ago

Link To UnclearBallot Details:

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 2 years ago

Link To Full Student Presentation:

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New Code Added To Voter Rolls In New York, Appears To Explain Why Counting Stops On Election Night
28 Jun 2024
New Code Added To Voter Rolls In New York, Appears To Explain Why Counting Stops On Election Night
The Werff Report