The Werff Report
The Werff Report 29 Aug 2022

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Corrupt Election Clerk In Wisconsin FIRED, Joked About Delivering Just Enough 2020 Ballots For Biden
07 May 2024
Corrupt Election Clerk In Wisconsin FIRED, Joked About Delivering Just Enough 2020 Ballots For Biden
The Werff Report

Audit Worker In NH Caught Deleting Memory Card, All Ballots In AZ Audit Were Tainted, Never Reported

Mike Lindell’s Moment of Truth Summit has revealed a bombshell regarding the New Hampshire audit, that an audit worker deleted a memory card and reset it to pre-election during the audit against the law…as a major issue discovered in the Maricopa County Full Forensic audit of the 2020 election went unreported..that over 2 million ballots were tainted.

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ahoenig 2 years ago

Jesus is coming God's judgment is on America and around the world!

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The Werff Report
The Werff Report 2 years ago

Link To Press Release:

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Corrupt Election Clerk In Wisconsin FIRED, Joked About Delivering Just Enough 2020 Ballots For Biden
07 May 2024
Corrupt Election Clerk In Wisconsin FIRED, Joked About Delivering Just Enough 2020 Ballots For Biden
The Werff Report