The Werff Report
The Werff Report 23 Oct 2023

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Apparent Shell Company Named
12 Mar 2025
Apparent Shell Company Named "Vaccine Company Inc" Ran By Biden Staffers Handed $28M At Last Minute
The Werff Report

Likely Speaker Was Spokesman For Soros Effort To Eliminate Electoral College, Biden Check Damning

Republicans have released a check image showing a direct payment of $200,000 to Joe Biden from his brother…as it’s being revealed that Joe Biden bought his $2.75 million mansion within weeks of his son Hunter threatening his Chinese business partner that resulted in a near $5 million wire transfer. Nine GOP reps are now in the race for House Speaker after Republican snakes held a secret ballot where 112 members---who all need to be OUSTED---voted to remove Jim Jordan from the race. An American hero holds one member of congress accountable by evicting them for voting against Jordan for Speaker, 10 warships and 12,000 US personnel are now at or headed to the eastern Mediterranean, Israel threatens to cut of the head of the snake and attack Iran, One Judge fines Trump $5,000 and threatens jail for violating a ridiculous gag order while another halts theirs, and the US Supreme Court gives the fraudulent Biden administration the green light to continue working to censor Americans on social media.

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Angie Close
Angie Close 1 Jahr vor

Biden just had to involve us in that war. I remember hearing him say something, when this war first started, that we were not going to war or something like that. I can't remember his exact words but he's such a liar and I'm sick of his bs. Thanks for your report!

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John Ess
John Ess 1 Jahr vor

Keep up the great reporting Werff! Its much appreciated!

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Als nächstes

Apparent Shell Company Named
12 Mar 2025
Apparent Shell Company Named "Vaccine Company Inc" Ran By Biden Staffers Handed $28M At Last Minute
The Werff Report