The Werff Report
The Werff Report 16 Nov 2021

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Trump To Privately Fund Transition To Side-Step Deep State, Won't Use FBI For Background Checks
02 Dec 2024
Trump To Privately Fund Transition To Side-Step Deep State, Won't Use FBI For Background Checks
The Werff Report

Austria Has Become A Police State With Its Nationwide Lock-Down For Those Not Vaccinated

After announcing a nationwide lock-down for the unvaccinated over the weekend, police in Austria can now be seen just about everywhere checking the people for proof of vaccination.

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3 years ago

You either force everyone or let everyone do what they want. Which way is best? Given that this virus could kill you. So, they made everyone do seatbelts and then they made everyone get insurance, car emissions, and other things I haven't mentioned. How has all this helped us as a society. Not all states wanted seat belts but the feds with held money until they passed seat belt laws. Upwards of 50,000 people a year die in cars. So did seat belts help? The same with insurance, it's been turned into a for profit advertisment, have a car wreck get paid big check. That's not what was intended with that law. So you see how it gets twisted. Same with COVID-19 mandates, will it work? Is it really necessary? Why are hospitals being paid to toe tag bodies COVID-19. Who, what , where , when , how and why.

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3 years ago

It will happen everywhere until the people rise up. I'm sorry but peaceful protests aren't going to get the job done. This is going to have to be a worldwide revolution!

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Mojo 3 years ago

The question is why this vaccine? Not polio, chicken pox, mumps or any other.

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Trump To Privately Fund Transition To Side-Step Deep State, Won't Use FBI For Background Checks
02 Dec 2024
Trump To Privately Fund Transition To Side-Step Deep State, Won't Use FBI For Background Checks
The Werff Report