The Werff Report
The Werff Report 11 Sep 2023

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US House Body Declares J6 Committee And All Subpoenas Illegitimate, House Will Support Steve Bannon
26 Jun 2024
US House Body Declares J6 Committee And All Subpoenas Illegitimate, House Will Support Steve Bannon
The Werff Report

New Mexico Governor Declares Gun Violence Emergency, Unilaterally Suspends The Second Amendment

As Dinesh D’Souza releases his trailer for the new movie Police State, New Mexico becomes one…as the Democrat Governor unilaterally declares a gun emergency and suspends the second amendment. Governor Sanders declares no lockdowns or mandates in Arkansas, a NY judge rules that ten teachers fired for not getting the jab must be reinstated with back pay, while a federal judge upholds a lower Court ruling barring the government from communicating with social media companies for violating the First Amendment, Nancy Pelosi announces her bid for reelection, Minnesota is allowing illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses---which are required to vote in the state, the California Assembly passes the bill allowing judges to take children away from parents for not “affirming” gender identity, and the insane Georgia Grand Jury recommended charges for 21 others…including General Flynn, Lin Wood, and Lindsay Graham.

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Angie Close
Angie Close 11 months ago

That movie looks really good. Uggh Nancy Pelosi needs to stay retired! I can't stand her, she's awful. I'm so ticked off that Minnesota is letting illegals get driver's licenses. I'm praying there won't be a rigged election again. We need Trump back, our country is going down hill no thanks to Biden.

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ahoenig 11 months ago

This is some scary stuff.

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US House Body Declares J6 Committee And All Subpoenas Illegitimate, House Will Support Steve Bannon
26 Jun 2024
US House Body Declares J6 Committee And All Subpoenas Illegitimate, House Will Support Steve Bannon
The Werff Report