The Werff Report
The Werff Report 24 May 2022

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LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
03 Jun 2024
LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
The Werff Report

Leaked State Farm Email Encourages Employees To Donate Transgenderism Books For Children As Young As 5

A leaked email from within high-priced insurance giant State Farm obtained by a non-profit organization shows the now-woke company is encouraging its agents and employees to donate transgenderism books for young children to their local schools and libraries, in some sick, twisted, and disgusting charity scheme.

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5 Comments sort Sort By

2 years ago

Another player in the cult driven mind control program

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cfs1281 2 years ago

Talk about mental illness, geez.

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Charles2108 2 years ago

Shame on State Farm for promoting the sexualized grooming of our children. This is an evil sickness that needs to stop

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Laurence Crossen
Laurence Crossen 2 years ago

Transgenderism is a complete fraud.

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2 years ago

PARHETIC. PATHETIC. PATHETIC. SHAME ON THIS COMPANY. Those who follow satan and his evil ways will burn in hell forever.

   3    0
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LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
03 Jun 2024
LEAKED: Trump Sentencing Leak To 'The View': Braggs Office To Recommend One Year At Riker's Island
The Werff Report