The Werff Report

The Werff Report

Corrupt South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has been censured by the Aiken County Republican Party for moving too far to the left, saying he is playing both sides of the aisle to his advantage by constantly violating Republican principles and backing bills that target our freedoms. This, as two counties in Wyoming have announced that they no longer recognize Liz Cheney as a member of the Republican Party. Park and Carbon counties voted unanimously to rescind their recognition of Cheney as a Republican Party member. Fantastic news! Every county in these states should do the same! And rumor has it that they are! RHINOS of the worst order!

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ahoenig 3 jaar geleden
This sack of shit needs to go
   2 0
3 jaar geleden
It's amazing how weak and cowardly some of our "elected officials" are.
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