The Werff Report
The Werff Report 10 Sep 2021

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report

Biden Issues Tyrannical COVID Mandates, Werff Takes On Local School District For Mask Requirement

America’s unelected President and Chinese puppet, Joe Biden, has announced likely the most tyrannical mandates of our history, forcing private sector businesses to require their employees to get vaccinated, or else!

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6 Comments sort Sort By

Sweethearts Stitches
Sweethearts Stitches 3 years ago

I'm proud of you! Just a note that I can't to get through to anyone else. My adult daughter recently had surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. As a result, I have been educating myself on brain health. On a YouTube video I watched titled "10 Things to Do for Brain Health," one of the suggestions was to NEVER sleep with your covers over your head. This causes you to breathe in your own carbon dioxide all night. Breathing in this waste has been studied and shown to actually, physically kill off brain cells. Hearing this fact caused me to think, "Hmm, what happens to someone who wears a mask over their mouth and nose all day?" Thank God my children aren't in school anymore, or I'd have to go Werff on my school district!!

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3 years ago

Great work

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Cryys 3 years ago

Fuckin get them Werff

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anardh3 3 years ago

Wow I’m glad to live in Florida. Keep up the good fight.

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3 years ago

Where are you Trump.

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CarpeDegas 3 years ago

Trump didn't lock up anybody and gave the vaccine contracts to big pharma. I hoped he was out guy too, and was following Q, but now....I just don't know.

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CarpeDegas 3 years ago

@CarpeDegas: Edit: *our guy...

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3 years ago

During his presidency, i wonder if Trump asked "where are you, patriots?"

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Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
11 Jul 2024
Historic Election Integrity Bill Passes House, Biden Strongly Opposes It
The Werff Report